Are you looking for effective ways to connect with your clients?

Do you want to take them deeper into their growth and help them get results faster?

These client-centered courses empower holistic healers and coaches to elevate their practice and create lasting, transformative results with confidence.

rocky river with rocks and trees

Your Instructor

Mary Lee LaBay instructs script-free hypnotherapy, NLP, past life regression, and spiritual exploration courses and has authored six books, including
Mastering Hypnotherapy: Transformational Strategies for Healers and Coaches
Exploring Past Lives: Your Soul’s Quest for Consciousness.

She is a Clinical Hypnotherapist with a
doctorate in behavioral psychology and certifications in NLP, Reiki, Gestalt, EFT, Remote Viewing, Spiritual Counseling, Astrology, Tarot, and Applied Kinesiology.

Mary Lee has served on the Board of Directors of three hypnotherapy associations and received a Lifetime Achievement Award in January 2025 for her thirty years of contributions to the field.

Your Education Options

Aurora Borealis




Discover the LaBay Method, a client-centered approach to hypnotherapy developed through decades of experience. This signature program equips you with powerful tools to create profound transformations—without relying on scripts.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Advanced Hypnotherapy & NLP Techniques– Master my signature methods, including Reverse Metaphor and Empowerment Symbol, for deeper subconscious change.

  • Client Breakthrough Strategies– Learn proven ways to work with even the most resistant clients for success in every session.

  • Past Life Regression Mastery– Gain exclusive insights into facilitating deep healing of past life traumas and unique applications of regression therapy.

  • Navigate the Death Process & Beyond– Guide clients through transitions beyond this life for profound spiritual growth.

  • Business Setup & Marketing– Get practical guidance on launching, growing, and attracting clients to your successful hypnotherapy practice.

Earn your credentials as a Certified Master Hypnotherapist and Certified Master Past Life Therapy Specialist

Start transforming lives today!

Aurora Borealis
rocky river with rocks and trees



This course is designed for soulful practitioners ready to facilitate deeper spiritual experiences for their clients. It presents powerful healing techniques, little-known esoteric knowledge, and ancient tools and practices designed to put you in a unique position to help your clients.

This course reveals:

  • Who are spirit guides, and how to communicate with them

  • How to facilitate a sacred journey and a soul retrieval

  • Specific characteristics of various spirits and understanding realms, dimensions, and planes

  • How to recognize and deal with troubling spiritual influences

  • Guiding clients who’ve had encounters with UFOs and ETs

Be prepared to handle unusual cases and give your clients deeper transformational experiences than ever before.

Aurora Borealis



Help them reach their ideal goal weight, work toward their dream body, and live a healthier lifestyle.

Using a combination of psychology and hypnotherapy, start helping your clients make lasting changes to their lives.

Become a Weight Management Coach and be the number one go-to support for your clients as they end their struggle with the debilitating condition of obesity.

You will learn:

  • What happens in the never-ending struggle of obesity, as well as common and uncommon reasons for weight gain

  • How to develop an effective weight loss and management program that actually gets results

  • Tried and tested techniques to use with your clients to help them shed the pounds (and keep them off!)

  • How to create support products to elevate your weight management program

  • Marketing and branding strategies to get your practice off the ground.

Become a sought-after Weight Management Coach and start changing habits, perspectives, and lives today.

Aurora Borealis
Aurora Borealis
Aurora Borealis


Are your clients asking you for a deeper soulful experience?

Imagine being the one they turn to when seeking their inner wisdom and a connection with their spirit guides.

This 100-hour continuing education course is a stand-alone professional training program. By completing the coursework, you’ll be qualified to assist your client to:

  • Enjoy a delightful, focused trance state and emerge again.

  • Discover an energetic gift to bring them traits and characteristics that are perfect for the session.

  • Receive wisdom from their subconscious mind, their deeper inner knowing.

  • Explore their guide’s appearance and energy.

  • Create a line of communication with their spirit guide.

  • Receive and understand messages.

  • Ask questions of their guides.

  • Establish a signal the guide will use to get their attention.

  • Acquire tools to continue practicing spirit guide communication on their own.

  • Improve intuition and sight.

This course includes foundational hypnotherapy techniques necessary for this work.

Aurora Borealis


Guide your holistic healing and coaching clients into
soulful self-discovery and spiritual awareness.

Are your clients asking you for a deeper soulful experience?

Imagine being the one they turn to when seeking their inner wisdom, enhanced intuition, and a connection with their spirit guides.

Turn on your client’s innate psychic abilities! Guide them to connect with their inner wisdom and meet their spirit guides, spirit animals, and totems.

Receive guidance and wisdom concerning your past, present, and future.

A Sacred Journey is a fascinating adventure through the landscape of the participant’s higher consciousness, lush with wisdom and awareness, and opening the gateway to access the spiritual realms, including guidance from spirit guides and other supporters.

Specific goals are often set in mind as the participant enters the Journey, such as resolving an issue, gaining an understanding of a decision at hand, or peering into the future of their life path to see what lies ahead. Their subconscious mind is also allowed the freedom to reveal its previously unknown message.

Aurora Borealis
rocky river with rocks and trees


Are you or your clients looking for a rapid way to reduce stress, pain, and the aftermath of traumas?

Commonly referred to as “tapping,” the
Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT, seamlessly merges two established sciences: Mind-Body Medicine and Acupuncture/Acupressure.

Through a carefully designed protocol involving gentle tapping on specific points of the body and face, EFT activates the meridian points commonly used in Eastern medicine.

This process facilitates the release of emotions associated with a particular issue, restoring balance to the energy meridians. When skillfully applied, EFT has the remarkable potential to condense the therapeutic journey from months or years to mere hours or minutes. Its versatile application extends across various dimensions, addressing concerns in the emotional, mental, physical, spiritual, and energetic realms.



How great does a waitlist of clients sound?

Learn to attract and keep dream clients, filling your calendar with people motivated to work with you.

Get ready to learn:

  • How to speak with potential clients and the exact questions to ask

  • How to set up systems like pricing, payment processors, documentation, and more

  • How to nail your niche and refine your ideal client

  • How to hold a session like an expert, even if you’re starting out

Learn how to hold a successful Discovery Call that excites your clients to work with you.

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rocky river with rocks and trees



Make sure your clients get exactly what they need out of their sessions. Say goodbye to scattered conversations and missed breakthroughs. Learn a
pre-session goal-setting strategy that will set every session up for success.

In this course, you’ll learn:

  • A 12-step process for developing rapport with your clients

  • The Gestalt Method and three key areas to pay attention to during the intake interview

  • How to transition to the therapy or coaching portion of your session

  • How to use energetic protection to keep you from absorbing your client’s energy

Get ready for fail-proof sessions



Learn powerful strategies and hypnotherapy techniques to guide your clients to a long-term, cigarette-free life.

You will learn:

  • A unique conversation and tactic that’ll blow their minds and set them on a course for success

  • Specific techniques to help your clients cope with cravings and withdrawals

  • How to help your clients successfully navigate difficult moments when they have the urge to smoke

Help your clients break the habit for good.

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rocky river with rocks and trees


Enter Into the Fertile World of the Hypnotic Envelope

Expect to be amazed at the potency of this container for your clients to do their soul-searching work.


The Hypnotic Envelope is a seven-step client-centered process that safely and elegantly guides your client into a deep trance, allows them to conjure imaginative resources, and emerge feeling refreshed and satisfied.

The Hypnotic Envelope can be a stand-alone process for individuals or groups. During this process, optional techniques and tools can be applied to further exploration and healing, remove blocks or pain, or experience a past life or sacred journey. The choice is yours.

Whether you are a novice or advanced in your hypnotherapy skills, this protocol will allow you to work with others with ease and confidence.

Astrology & Tarot Courses


Imagine the ability to enhance your intuitive skills and produce masterful readings for yourself and others. If you’re like so many others, your tarot cards and astrology books have been collecting dust on the shelf because the instructions are just too confusing to navigate on your own.

Now, you can learn these ancient arts in the comfort of your home with my personal enrichment peonline courses.

Each course is designed to incrementally guide you from novice to expert in a logical and organized fashion. It provides a foundation of knowledge in the subject and builds on that, step-by-step, to support your increasing comprehension. Included are written and printable documents, plus audio and video instructions.

You can study at your own pace on this learning journey and return anytime to deepen your understanding and hone your skills.

Whether you want to access these powerful tools for personal use or offer them professionally, you’ll enjoy a lifetime of benefits from these soulful skills of wisdom and insight.



Master the art of reading cards with this practical and straightforward Tarot course. Whether you want to read cards for personal guidance or to become a professional card reader, the Wisdom of the Tarot online course will give you a solid foundation for your craft.

The course reveals:

  • An easy way to memorize and interpret all cards of the Major and Minor Arcana, upright and reversed.

  • How to choose, handle and lay out your cards using the Celtic Cross spread.

  • How to compose a meaningful reading and quickly stop relying on a reference book.

Gain the confidence to read Tarot cards in just a few short hours.

rocky river with rocks and trees
rocky river with rocks and trees



Understanding their cosmic patterns will give you insights into personality, character, communication styles, and much more. This course provides the fundamentals of astrology for valuable insights when working with your clients.

Gain clarity and skills in:

  • Interpretations of the signs of the zodiac, planets, moon nodes, and houses

  • Understanding aspects and how they activate the chart

  • Approaches to reading the natal chart to understand personality traits, preferences, learning and communication style, money habits, and more

  • The effects of daily transits and how to prepare your client for challenges and opportunities

  • The effects of retrogrades, Chiron, and the Saturn return

Empower yourself with the secrets revealed by the patterns of the stars.


Jill Hewins

This class is the real deal. You’ll have people that you can practice the techniques on, so you can confidently know that you will be able to offer this work to clients. The resources and tools she provides will also help you with a good business foundation.

Shana Stanley

Mary Lee is an expert and master at her craft, and to have her as my teacher is an honor not only to learn invaluable techniques in this training, but I was able to do some of my own healing as well. I’m beyond excited and proud I have these new skills, and to be able to serve my clients with
hypnotherapy in Seattle
in such an important and life-changing way.

Heather Chan

I highly recommend this class for anyone wanting to learn Tarot, expand their awareness, or continue their education with the use of these tools to get messages and guidance for their life, their loved ones, or their client’s lives.


Answers to Your Top Questions About Hypnotherapy

What qualifications are needed to become a hypnotherapist?

Please check with the Department of Health in your state or province. Some regions have no regulations and others are stricter. Generally, there are no educational qualifications. If you are a good listener, compassionate, and have a desire to help others heal and grow, you are likely a good candidate for this profession.

Is hypnotherapy successful?

Yes, when conducted by a certified and experienced hypnotherapist, hypnotherapy is safe and successful. It is a non-invasive method and considered to be a low-risk therapeutic intervention. It is important, however, to learn all relevant health information about your client and not work with people outside your area of expertise.

Are there different types of hypnotherapy?

Yes, there are basically two ways of practicing hypnotherapy outside of stage hypnosis. Many schools still train practitioners to use scripts. That involves a lengthy interview, researching appropriate scripts, and reading them to the client under hypnosis. The newer client-centered method you'll learn in my school teaches you to be in dialogue with your clients, gaining insights and answers from their subconscious mind. This second way is organic and flowing, and allows the client to discover their own answers, which they are more likely to accept and embrace.

Can everyone be hypnotized?

Everyone can be hypnotized, as it's a natural and normal state. However, some people can be resistant for a number of reasons. My courses give you distinct methods for overcoming such blocks every time so you can fulfill your clients' goals and expectations and achieve a successful session.

What is the lifestyle of a hypnotherapist?

If your mission is to help people grow and transform, and you want to make the world a better place, a career in hypnotherapy is a great option. It is a fulfilling experience to help people who have come to you with their lives in chaos, plagued with addictions or health issues, emotionally distraught, and spiritually depleted, and usher them into wellness, balance, and excitement for life.

Other benefits include being your own boss, taking days off or planning vacations, working from home if you choose, networking with like-minded people, and naming your fees.

Hypnotherapists generally charge between US $100-400 per hour and work as many hours a week as they want.

You can freely add multiple streams of income, such as creating products, giving workshops, and hosting podcasts.

Can I combine hypnotherapy techniques with my present holistic practice?

Absolutely! I have trained people from all walks of life.

Hypnotherapy has successfully been combined with coaching, massage, acupuncture, naturopathy, nutrition, essential oils, speech therapists, physical therapists, dental assistants, art therapists, tattoo artists, cosmetologists, and more.

When clients and patients get stuck, hypnotherapy, NLP, and past life regression can swiftly resolve the issue and get your clients moving again.